What will you Take with You?

I know many of you probably took this class because it fulfilled a Visual and Performance Art GE; however there must have been some reason why you chose this visual art GE over any of the others. 

What sparked your interest when you decided to take this class?

What is the greatest piece of information or lesson you learned from this class and what will you do with it after the quarter is over?

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  • When I was younger, I drew cartoons and gave them to my friends. Soon, my other classmates began requesting for one. I would draw angels, girls with cartoony big eyes, etc. I stopped drawing once I got into high school and became too occupied with school work and friends. I regret not progressing in the artistic field. I never really thought about my future or what I really wanted to be until I got into college. I tried taking chemistry and econ, but I disliked both. Being hopeless, I even thought about transferring to a fashion/art school, but it would take me forever to graduate since I don't know the basics of art; I will have to start all over from square one.


    This class gave me the opportunity to be creative and to appreciate art more. Before this class, I thought real art were those paintings or sculptures that you see in museums. If there was one thing that I learned, it would be that art can be anything from speeches to dances. One thing may be art for an individual while it may not be for another individual. You can speak through art by painting, singing, performing, etc. 

  • I am taking this class for my visual art GE but I also wanted to explore something new. As a science major student, performing art has always been something foreign to me. When I was a kid, I loved painting, drawing, coloring and anything that is related to arts and craft. However, while growing up, my passion for art seem to have been forgotten. I became busy with schoolwork and I naturally drifted away from the subject of art as a whole. However, deep inside, I knew that my love for art never died out. So when I saw that this course is going to be offered, I decided to take the course without any hesitation. Although I never had much experience with performance art, I always admired it and wanted to be part of it. 

    After watching many live performances and hearing talented guests speak about their passion for what they do, I now want to find ways to express my own passion for art. Before, I always thought I am not talented enough to do anything artistic and I used my school work as an excuse to say that I have no time. But starting next quarter, I plan on taking jazz dance classes and olay piano again. I am so excited for them.

    Is anybody else planning to start doing/ learning something new after watching the performances?

  • I've always been interested in the arts, which is strange coming from a very athletic family. In fact, if I could I would probably switch to be an art major, even with my premed aspirations.  So being able to take this class with all my math and sciences was an outlet to continue to explore my fascination in art. 


    I used to take AP art courses in high school and have the time to paint and sketch freely.  But in my busy schedule now, just being able to listen to a lecture about art is fulfilling. 


    The greatest lessons I learned from this class were to think outside of the box and push myself out of my comfort zone.  Although, semi-forced at first, I got to go experience great performances, in and outside of class. Now I'm excited for the performances I haven't seen yet and have become more open to art that is not normally what I would consider "my style."  Also, the stranger photos were particularly difficult for me because I'm normally more introverted and shy.  But, I got to learn about great people I may have never spoken a word to otherwise.


    Once the quarter is over, I'm going to try to pull myself away from the books and explore more performing arts and possibly try drawing and painting again.  Although, the latter may be easier once I move out of the cramped dorms.  I want to be able to keep expanding my knowledge in the arts without a book.  I want to go out and feel the live experience.  Hopefully, my friends will learn to love the experience as much as I do now.



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