Who was/were your favorite guest(s)?

Quite simply:


Who was/were your favorite guest performer(s)? And explain why you enjoyed their performance the most. What life lesson did you take from their performance or discussion? If you could ask them any question, what would it be?


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  • My favorite guest was Walter Ponce. He inspired me to have a passion for something I love. I realized that I was not putting in my best effort into something I love to do. I appreciated his passion for playing the piano. I truly enjoyed listening to all of his piano pieces. It was remarkable how he was able to memorize the music, and did not have to look at the piano sheets.

  • I liked the Hot 8 performance because they were real and honest and chill and humble and weren't trying to be a bunch of condescending hot shots. I liked how there was a bit of an age gap between some of the members but they came together with the common passion of brass band music. I liked how they played sort of different types of brass band songs. I also liked how they all had a bottle of Pepsi and how they lit up when someone asked them about their favorite food. I've also never seen a brass band perform, so that was new and exciting.

  • My favorite guest was Walter Ponce because I really enjoyed all of his playing.
    An important life lesson that I received from him is his passion with the piano. i always try to do my best; however, i used to be depressed easily. His passion for playing the piano encouraged me. 
    I think I would ask him how many songs he can memorize without sheet music becuase I was surprised at how he was performing such a long song. 
  • My favorite guest was the New Orleans Hot 8 Brass Band. They were not busy trying to educate us with their genre of music. They just came on stage and did what they loved to do and the I could feel the passion radiating from them. There were many musicians that came as guest speakers, but this band was the only one that made me bounce up and down on my seat and actually enjoy the time listening to the music as well as the history of the band. There was also a certain connection between each of the members and the teamwork showed during their performance. The call and response showed this because they knew when to step up and when to step down. I got to go up on stage and observe the members during their performance and I could see that each member was enjoying the music just as the audience was.
  • My favorite guest is Aaron Williams who showed us tap dance and drum performance. I have interest about drums but I didn’t have a chance to learn about it. Thus it was very interesting and valuable time to me. Also he was really enjoyed to play drum and dance and I could see his passion for music during his performance. I learned from his performance that I have to do something really I want to do and passion with me because I want to enjoy my future like he did on the stage. If I could ask any question to him then I will ask this question. Have you ever regret doing what you do now? If you can’t do music and dances anymore then what do you want to do?                                 

  • My favorite guest was the New Orleans Hot 8. It was interesting to hear the history behind New Orelans Brass bands and how they transformed to the group that exists today. I thought it was cool to see how the members all came from different families but were united by their love for music. Compared to most of the other guests, I felt the Jazz band from New Orleans was the most entertaining performers we had. For one, I thought their story of overcoming adversity and then transforming their struggles into a form of art which brings joy to many was amazing. The members of the band seemed very genuine and down to earth and i really enjoyed to hear their story more than anything. I also really enjoyed the music they played and was amazed how talented each member was, from the Trombone player, to the Trumpet player. My favorite song was Lily of the valley and Fire tuner. Overall, I enjoyed their performance the most and the story behind it.
  • The favorite guests I love the most are Marek Probocz and Aaron Williams.

    Unlike other guests, these two guests had showed the audiences why they are what they did while they are on the stage. Especially, Aaron looked so enjoyable when he was drumming and dancing. And Marek Probocz let me feel the fun of being an audience. I was laughing and happy when he was directing actors on the stage.

    During their speeches, I understand completely that life can be colorful when we are doing what we truly want in life.

    If I can ask a question, I probably would ask:

    When you were deciding what you want to do in your life, do you take others opinion into consideration? For example, would you do what you are doing if you parents did not like your decision? Because some students today will take people's suggestions. And sometimes taking those decisions, students also gave up what they actually want to do.


  • Frank Dwyer was my favorite guest, although I enjoyed recent dance performances as well. I really admire his talent and I think he did a wonderful job of portraying what acting is. As a versatile artist, he gave meaning to what acting is about and also the purpose of theater. I still remember how he read the syllabus in completely different tones and voices. It was incredible to watch him take on various roles within a moment and his voice gave life to even the most monotonous passages. It was hard to relate to what he meant when he said that theater teaches you how to live and how to die and that you can indirectly learn from the mistakes characters make in the story. However, after I was watched a play called "In Mother Words" for my off-campus event, I feel like I now understand at least the surface of what he was telling us. The play was about motherhood and it made me reflect upon my life and my relationship with my mom. The play was chronologically organized so in the beginning, I thought about my childhood memories with my mom and regretted some of the things that I had said or did to her. And in the middle, I realized that that's the stage in life that I am in right now and while watching the characters, I was reminded of how I should live my own life from now on. Towards the end, I was able to get a glimpse of what my future maybe like in several years, raising my own kids and becoming a mother. I respect Frank Dwyer's love and passion for acting and also his philosophy about theater. If I ever have a chance to see him again, I would ask him if there was a specific theatrical performance that he found most meaningful and unforgettable.
  • My favorite guest was Walter Ponce and his piano because I feel like he gave the class many performances and I really enjoyed all of them. An important life lesson that I received from him is that as long as you have a passion for something you should follow and stick to it since that is what Walter has done with the piano. I think I would ask him how long does it take to memorize a ten minute song since I was amazed at how he was performing such a long song in front of us and without sheet music. Frankly, I was afraid at first that he would mess up since the song was so long and since I had not yet read his autobiography yet so I really didn't realize how amazing he was at his talent until after his performances and reading his autobiography.
  • So I'll start with saying my favorite guest was the actor Marek Probocz .  Although, at times I found myself in a daze trying to figure out what he was saying through his thick accent, most of the time I was completely immerse in his performance.  When I learned his whole speech and topics of discussion were formed through improvisation I was in awe.  The irony in this was that what made his performance so interesting was that it was off the top of his head.  Because he was able sense the crowd, he transformed his humor and content to our generation's cultural background. And his Romeo and Juliet coaching was of course an entertaining end.


    From this performance, more specifically the Romeo and Juliet coaching portion, I learned to believe that I'm the only one that knows the correct way to live.  I can't let the "wrongs" hinder my life when I'm the judge.


    I would ask Marek Probocz, what career would he have chosen other than the film industry?

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