off-campus performances

Since we have an opportunity to receive extra credit by attending another performance, I was wondering where some of you went or are planning to go to for your off-campus performances? If you've already gone, how was it? Any suggestions?


I went to go watch a comedy improv group at the Groundlings and absolutely LOVED it! I would definitely hope to go watch another one of their shows in the future.

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  • I also went to watch the Groundlings.  I went during the week and watched one of the student groups perform and they were excellent.  I thought it was great how the audience could guide the show by suggesting topics and answering questions about what direction they wanted the comedians to go in.  The small theatre allowed everyone to be close to the action.  I want to go see the professionals perform there now!
  • Theres concerts held every Sunday at LACMA at 6pm :)
  • Oh my gosh I went to watch The Groundlings too! When did you go?
  • the groundlings sound really interesting~!thanks. I was personally considering going to lacma on Sunday for their night performances because I really love orchestras.
  • Where did they play?
    • It's in West Hollywood. The venue's on Melrose, right by La Brea Ave. so it's really close to Pink's hot dogs. You can just google "The Groundlings" to see exactly where their venue is.
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