Value of music

As I was listening to  pop songs I stumbled upon a thought and I asked myself, can computers compose like Bach? These days with technology and the system of auto tune, some people might argue that these "modern" music is just as worthy as older masterpieces.


To realize this, lets look at how the bach suites were brought back.

They were brought back not only because they were beautiful pieces of
music but also because upon taking them apart one will find that each
suite has a chord progression and that it is constant throughout each
movement with some color and variation. Even digging deeper, really
getting into the notes you find reoccurring harmonies, melodies, and ideas
that were all put into the music. this was no accident, this was bach's
genius at work.


Comparing to hip hop or pop music these days, I sort of think not the same "effort" was put into the songs and the modern musicians aren't exactly the same as the ancient days. 

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  • I agree with Cindy. Yes there seem to be a lot of hip hop and pop songs on the radio that all seem the same with no real meaning other than saying "Yay I'm rich and I have cars, lots of money, and sex." But it also depends on where you're looking. There are a lot of popular musicians today who put a lot of effort into the meanings of their lyrics and the beats to evoke a certain feeling. Rappers like Drake and Kanye West and Lupe Fiasco have great lyrics that relate to what they experience in today's modern times. I even think Lady Gaga is a great musician. If you listen to all her songs and watch all her interviews, she really does put a lot of effort into her music and every single little detail. Her music videos are full of symbolism too. Listen to music by Adele and Amy Winehouse and you can see that musicians today still put a lot of effort into their songs.
  • Although I see where you are going with this I have to disagree. Even though the art may be a different form I think it still represents the artists' soul. However, people change with the times, and artists nowadays have to appeal to their audience in the same way that Bach and others appealed to their own. Although we tend to associate classical music with a sense of genius at work I find that there are composers nowadays that are amazingly gifted.
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