Is this art?

This is an example of modern art.  Do you think this qualifies as art?  How do you feel about this piece being in a legitimate gallery/museum?


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  • No. This is not art because it is not showing anything unique or creative.
  • i dont think so.....


    what is this anyways?

  • I believe that anyone can creat art but I dont believe anything is art. This blue piece is nothing, this is like saying that a piece of blue cardboard paper is art, or that the white wall is art. I think this is a joke.
  • This is not art. I feel that anything someone cant just randomly put together without any thought or meaning should be considered a form of random fun.
  • I believe everything that communicates is art, and the communication that I mean here is very subjective, as the definition of art is. If the creator of a piece of something intended to convey a message through it, it is an art to him, whether it be an art or not to others. And if a person perceives from something a message or an impression, it is an art to her, even if its creator didn't mean to put a message in it and thus it isn't an art to the creator.

    We usually don't believe in the subjectivity of the intension and expression and interpretation, which define a production as a subjective art, and I think this is because our views on art is distorted by the public display of art works; those displayed are simply the ones that are recognized as art by more people. If a Van Gogh doesn't give you any impression, it simply isn't an art for you.

    • I totally agree. I couldnt of said it better myself. Good  job
  • To me this does not qualify as art because it doesn't display thoughtfulness, creativity, talent, or provoke any worthwhile discussions.  I do not think this should be in an art gallery and I don't think this would be famous at all if the artist did not already have a following.  I could do this
  • Just looking at it, I would not consider it a piece of art. But I think if there were some kind of writing or someone personally explaining what is the meaning behind the piece, I will consider it as art because I think for me the most important qualification for art is the meaning behind it.
  • This is not an art for me. The piece need have some meaning in order to be defined as art
    • interesting. Why's that?
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