Stephen Petronio dance company

Here's a little information about Friday/Saturday's Royce Hall Event for those of you who are going to be attending the Stephen Petronio Company's performance. I have to say that I don't know what to expect after attending the Kidd Pivot performance. I hope there is story behind the performance at least that I can follow. What do you expect to see at this performance?

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  • I would have probably enjoyed Stephen Petronio's dance company over Kidd Pivot just because he doesn't seem as abstract. I like how he incorporates a variety of things into his dances and the performance he showed in class on Wednesday looked engaging and entertaining. I liked how he incorporated fashion into his dance where as the dancers in Kidd Pivot weren't dressed up and weren't very eye-catching.
  • I think I would like this dance performance more than the Kidd Pivot one simply by looking at the website you provided. I am not too much of an art person so I really need some story to be behind the dance to make me understand. Otherwise I lose track of it and feel bored. I mean Kidd Pivot's dancing was definitely impressive but it's not really entertaining to me. Thank you for the info!
    • I feel the same way. When I see a performance I like to know the story behind it so I can follow along and engage more.  I just wasn't used to the style of Kidd Pivot's dancing and it took me by surprise.  In some ways I wish I would have waited and chosen to see the Stephan Petronio Dance Company.
    • No problem. I'm not  much of an art person either and I hope I can at least understand the story and I'll be fine. I guess Kidd Pivot was just too abstract for me even as far as the story line is concerned.
  • I am not going to see this group but from what I just saw on the website I wish I saw them instead of Kidd Pivot. I like that they actually dance to music and for me I think it would be more entertaining.
  • More info about the choreographer:
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