Finging out how many times you've posted

So someone in class mentioned that there is a way to check how many times you've posted to the discussion groups page. How do you go about doing this. I've been looking through most of the site and haven't been able to find it yet. I wanted to at least try and find a way to find out quickly instead of going in and manually counting each post.

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  • Sometimes, that doesn't work too well, however, because the website messes up and says you haven't replied to any. So try this if that happens to you too (it happened to me):


    Go to any discussion you have answered before and look for your reply. Click on your name, and you will get a list of the discussions you replied to.


    Good luck :)

  • Hello Andrew,
    Click on your name on the right upper corner. Under your profile image, below your info, you should see a link to Discussions. The number in the parenthesis (_) is the number of discussions you started and posted, not the number of discussions you answered. Click on the link Discussions. You will see the list of the discussions you started, but you can see the discussions you answered by changing the "View" list from "Discussions Started" to "Discussions Replied To".
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