Memories and Music

I was always one to read books when I was growing up. Whenever I would read I would put some head phones on and have classical music playing on repeat in the background of my thoughts. I didn’t think of it much at the time but now when I hear one of those songs that would play over and over while I was reading, it takes me back to the book where I can remember specific parts like I had just read them yesterday. Not only does it bring me back to the book but it also brings me back to my own self when I was reading the book. Whether I was 9 of 16 I remember more from hearing that music that I listened to in that point of my life than I do looking back on myself and trying to remember. Music is special and It has taken me back in time to remember what I was like and how I have changed since then.


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  • It's amazing sometimes even inspiring to feel the chill of remembering an exact moment. Music, like many other things, stimulates one individual sense, triggering a cascade of memories all linked to those combinations of sounds. My experience with music has been one of rediscovery. Every time I listen to old songs I feel that I am dragged through libraries of memories and associations I have made throughout my life while listening to that song. I find humbling to think that sounds alone can bring back memories that I never even remembered I had.
  • Not necessarily with the reading, but I link music with my other parts of life, because just like you have music in the background while reading, I have music playing while doing many things.
  • I remember back in elementary school and middle school, I used to LOVE reading. Nothing would be better than to just pick up a nice book, go underneath my blankets with a bag of chips, and read for at least 3 hours straight or until I just fell asleep.

    I never thought about putting music on also since I was usually too absorbed within my readings.

    Of course, that was then, and once high school started.. I never actually read a decent novel on my own for enjoyment since we were forced to read books for english. Oh, the irony...

  • Yeah, that happens. We link our sensations (and feelings) to memories. I like such moments because they take me back to different times, especially times that I would not be able to remember unless something triggered them. Smells and tastes also take me back to memories.
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