Overall Impression of Arts and Architecture

So, it is almost week 10, and I just want to say, WOW, this quarter went fast!

Looking back, I'd have to say that this class was DEFINITELY worth taking! Not only were most lectures actually enjoyable, but they were a creative way to educate other students about the world of art. I especially like Winters' method of teaching of bringing in guest speakers every week, and seriously appreciate him taking his time to do so.


Compare to other classes that I've taken at UCLA here so far, I'd have to rate this class 5/5 stars. No wonder Winters' has over 500 students!

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  • I would rate the class 4/5. The only thing I do not like about this class is that we were required to watch 4 live events. I seriously do not enjoyed watching those shows, I had really bad times when watching those shows. The rest of the class is pretty much fun and interesting, overall I would recommend this course to a friend.
  • Yes, this class was a blast.! I enjoyed going to the lectures, and learning about the art. It wasn't about how well you understand and memorize some formula. I totally get why this class closes so quickly with so many people willingly coming to classes.
  • I liked the class because it provides a different experience of college classes. As a south campus major, I would not expect to have a class like this at all. Having a class that basically "goes with the flow" based on the performers Winter brings in is really a fun and interesting experience.
  • I think its a very fun class. This being said I think that what separates it from other classes is that it's not just an interesting subject and an eager professor. Professor Winter engages every student, keeping them interested and not just sitting and listening through lecture. I've fallen asleep in classes before, but I don't think even on my worst day I could try to shut one eye.
  • I agree this quarter has gone by very quickly. I also really enjoyed Winters' way of teaching his lectures, but I'm not going to lie this class was a bit to long for me. I'm glad that class had a variety of different performers, and even though it was a long class this kept me excited to come again and again.
  • This class is definitely a refreshing change from all the textbook and memorization based classes that I have taken. As other students have mentioned, I looked forward to attending class each time because I knew Professor Winter would have something interesting and educational planned for us, and I feel that I have learned about new ways to look at and appreciate the arts.
  • This class is truly a must take class by any college student attending UCLA. Not only were lectures fun and entertaining, they provided a lot of useful information that can help towards one's future. Although you have to go to lecture in order to understand what is going on in the course and be prepared for the midterm and final, I think it was a smart idea by Winters and his always huge classes. Most professors are boring and use lecture slides that you can print out and not go to class, Winters class was not like this and his witty and fun loving attitude really made the class worth the ride.
  • I like how this class was taught by professor Winters. He mixed it up with things I wouldnt expect to happen in this class. It kind of makes you go find art yourself. To explore what art is in your mind and in others. Its also hands on material which I prefer. He makes you get out of your seat and really get into what he is teaching. THis is why I think this class is so effective.

  • I enjoy this class. I like all my classes this quarter because they are all interesting. But I have to say, this class is my favorite since I am learning visually and not just acoustically. I really appreciate all of the performers Professor Winter booked, they all have at least one thing that is worth learning. I like how he relates the course to real life too.
    • Sometimes it makes me really wonder if I should switch to a North Campus major...

      I wonder if most N. Campus majors are like this?


      Because in my honest opinion, it is classes like these that motivate me going to class, not following equations and learning the composition of molecules and what not. College just becomes that much more fun with classes like these...

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