The Final

Does anyone know the day for the final? On the syllabus, it says Thursday March 10th, but we never have class Thursday.. Please let me know!

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  • Ya it is on Thursday but it is the 17th not the 10th. I think he got confused with some dates from previous years. He sent out an email confirming it and its at 8:00 am, don't be late!
  • The final's on the 17th. And it's on Thursday. It's during the finals week, so we don't take the finals during the regular class time. It's 3 hours long, though I'm not sure if professor will make the exam that long.
  • I think it should say  Thursday March 17th because that's what it says on my study list. but I'm not entirely certain. It doesn't make much sense to me though that he would have the final on a day when people have other scheduled classes.
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