What is your favorite genre of music and why?

What is your favorite genre of music and why?

Does it have any special significance to you?


Personally, I enjoy alternative rock, which can encompass anything from hardcore to pop-punk. I really enjoy the way the music directly connects to the emotions that the song describes.  These types of songs usually contain interludes and breakdowns, so there is a lot of varying speeds and volumes.  The lyrics (most of them at least) are meaningful and deep, so the combination of the lyrics and the music makes one impressive combination.


What about you guys?

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  • I am and I always have been a big fan of R&B and Hip-Hop music. I like the up-beat tempo and the lyrics of most of these songs. However a lot of them can be violent and overboard. I also enjoy rock, which is what I listen to in downtime when I'm just relaxing and lounging around.
  • I switch genres a lot too. I have always liked old school rap and rap that is actually about something important other than getting girls. I also like rock and techno, depending on my mood. For example, if I am in an energetic mood, I might play for upbeat hip hop or dance music and try and freestyle dance to them. I also like Taylor Swift and artists like her in the Top 40.
  • I used to listen to a lot of R&B. I like how most of the songs are dedicated to another person. I feel that they are nice to hear when you want to just sit back and relax. Now, mostly, I listen to various genres, most of them are generic now. When I want to go back to my past I listen to R&B and Indie, I love the melodies a lot of the songs have, as well as the lyrics.
  • As of now, I'm a fan of some alternative rock, some hip/hop and some other genre's, but my all time favorite genre is funk. I grew up listening to my dad's old funk albums in his car as I would drive around with him on sundays. It remains my absolute favorite because of the sense of nostalgia that it restores in me. I love the beats, I love the bass-line, but most of all I enjoy the boisterous coulture that surrounds it.
  • I think it is interesting how often people ask this question. To be honest, I am not musically inclined, so I don't even know the specifics for each genre. My playlist is nonexistent. However, I do like music. I listen to the radio or wander about YouTube when I need a beat. If something doesn't match my mood, I move on. It really depends, so I cannot say which genre is my favorite.  I guess I do not have one.
  • It's really hard to pick one single genre of music because there are things I like about many genres. I also tend to go through "phases." Sometimes I really like the electronic sound of dance music, other times I crave plain rock, and yet other times I just feel like listening to sugary pop music, or even 80's or 90's style "old" music. Traditional music is also very refreshing at times. One thing I really dislike, however, is autotune.
  • I love all kinds of music! I think that it is really neat to hear music from different cultures, like today in class. I especially love country music because I can find it can be a kind of meditation or a chance to have fun.
  • I agree that this is a hard question to answer. I don't know if I could classify all of my favorite songs, bands, and albums into one genre because they come from so many different backgrounds. Don't get me wrong I like the stuff on the radio, but I would never say that it is my favorite because it gets old so quickly. I guess I like "classic" music, whatever it be, but music that I could listen to every day and never get sick of.
  • Alternative rock, electronic, dance, classical, and jazz. Anything that makes me want dance or has a lot of emotion.


    Also, I tend to listen to albums as a whole more than individual songs. Although each song may be unique I find that albums are really designed to be listened to in one long sitting. I like bands the best that arrange their albums as a really cohesive work. That is, it sort of introduces you to the album's theme, plays with it, and ties it back together at the end. Any album by Radiohead or "the old" Weezer are some examples of this. Pinkerton by Weezer is probably the best example I can think of.


    Does anyone else listen to whole albums or just songs?

  • This is probably one of the hardest questions to answer. Music is such a gift that people can create and make with their hands and mouths, etc. I personally am a big fan of hip-hop, old school and new school, acoustic, and the rising electronic dance music genre. Both really satisfy my needs. Whether I am kicking back and relaxing, hip-hop and some Jack Johnson/John Mayer will do the trick, or if I want to party and dance with an up tempo beat, EDM is the way to go.
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