Whats the most artistic thing you have ever done?


I know I am just throwing this out there but I feel like I might get some cool responses. I guess I really want to know what people consider to be art themselves and how they use. (weirdly worded)

Too me, art isn’t seeing a picture or even drawing it but more of being there and seeing it yourself. A cheap example would be sitting and watching a sunset. Being able to remember something clearly that you had seen long ago is sometimes better than having a picture of it.

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  • I already mentioned photography as an artistic thing i have done. But lately, i have been playing a lot of guitar in my free time.  Not only does it produce a melodious sound, but i feel like i can communicate my emotions and feelings through music.  This, I believe, is the definition of art - a method in which people can show emotions.  That is why there are so many forms of art, and guitar playing is no different.
  • I guess the "A Midsummer Night's Dream" performance (by Shakespeare) I did in 8th grade would be the most artistic thing I've done. I am no artist, but my English class put on a couple performances of the Shakespeare play we had rehearsed. I was Lysander and had to memorize ALL of his lines from all five acts. It seemed impossible, but after weeks of rehearsal it was easy and I felt like a real actor. I will never forget that experience.
  • I am no artist, and I think Warren you said it perfectly, art isn't necessarily about being able to draw or take physical pictures. I think being able to take a mental picture of something and remembering it forever will always be artistic. I think taking pictures when I studied abroad in Spain and just living in their culture was the most artistic thing I have ever done. You really won't appreciate art until you've seen the architecture and art in their museums.
  • I used to play around alot with street chalk. One time, I covered my entire driveway with a mural, which to this day, I think is still the most artistic thing I've ever done.
  • Last year when I took a computer science class, we were assigned a project of programming a simple game. It took me around 25 hours to finish writing the c++ code and debug for the game. The c++ code for the game is one the most artistic things i have ever done, even though the game looks so simple.
  • I've never been good enough to be an artist or art major, but drawing's always been a big part of my life. Lately I've gotten into pencil portraits, and in the past I've also gone through the manga-style phase. Thinking back, I seem to be a lot more comfortable with black-and-white media, such as graphite pencils and charcoal, rather than watercolors and paints.
  • I was never so good at it, but i enjoy making stuff. I made two or three dolls from scratch. I like making jewelry out of beads and other materials. I started making jewelry with my sister for fun - just to have girls' time and simply pass time. However, we started going to classes together and our jewelry got prettier and more sophisticated.


  • The most artistic thing I have ever done is projects in a photography class. My idea of drawing a person is a "stick figure", I am the world's worst artist but, I finally found art that was fun and less frustrating for me: photography. I took a class in high school that was so fun! We would have a different project every week, whether it be with photoshop or the camera itself.
  • The most artistic thing i've ever done is probably nature photography. My family goes camping a lot and I've really began to enjoy taking pictures of wildlife and nature in general. Photography, in my opinion, is one of the easiest forms of expression, since all you really need is a camera and some motivation to express yourself.  The rest is really up to you, since there is a plethora of possible subjects available to the artist.  I don't have that many artistic photos but regarding the ones that I do have, I consider them one of my most artistic achievements.
  • Back, a long time ago, I used to actually LOVE drawing and such.

    Of course, I was never good at it, but it was something I enjoyed doing. I once submitted one of my artworks and photographs to some local contests, and actually ended up winning first place for photography. The picture itself took only 15 minutes to assemble, and I wouldn't say it is exactly a masterpiece, but it pretty much is the most artisitic thing I've done.


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