How much would you pay:
to hear a beautiful piano sound in a live concert?
to own a beautiful painting you could display in your house?
to go to the concert of your favorite band?
for a cd of you favorite band?
to learn how to play an instrument/paint/sculpt/act?
As a musician, how do you separate your feelings about true art and the need to make a living? How will you navigate situations in which you may be paid well to do something very un-artful? Or be paid miserably for something that you feel is important?
I recommend highly a short story by Albert Camus called "Jonas the Painter" from the collection Exile and the Kingdom. You can find the full text online here:
how much would you pay to go to a concert of your favorite band/group?
is it easier to assign a monetary value to entertainment? even if it's for a data plan on your phone, cable, internet provider, computer, stereo....