Lost and Found in Camp

As I'm reliving my dusty days on the playa while unpacking things here at home, I thought it might be useful to have a discussion for lost and found items that may have accidentally hitched a ride home with a new owner or simply failed to make the journey.

Please add your lost and found items below and let's see if we can make a match!

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  • Hey Thomas! Great thought. I meant to ask you if you would hold onto your ticket stub? I ended up leaving our original tix at home so had to buy new ones and the way I get a refund I think involves me mailing them my originals, but I MIGHT need the ticket stubs of the ones I bought (one of which is the one you used). If you have already thrown it out don't worry, I hope I can prove to them that I had two unused tix anyway, plus show them my credit card statement, but if might make it easier to have both stubs. LMK! Thanks!!!

    • I do still have the ticket stub (hadn't put it in my scrap album yet). LMK if you need me to give it to you to show proof.
    • yay! thanks- when I get to this I will reach out to you. thanks, Thomas!
  • great idea Thomas.

    We have (so far) a very nice silver/black cord choker. It was strapped to our tent pole when we broke camp.

    Mardie: We have your bike. Just let us know what you would like us to do with it.

    Hope everyone had safe and smooth journeys home. More later. I am in a delicious daze.
  • I'll start by stating I brought home what looks like a car key -- to a Honda Accord or Civic or maybe even a Toyota?

    The key was sitting on the card table tucked behind the stereo receiver and I found it when starting to clear out the dome Sunday morning for take-down.

    If this was yours drop me a line so I can get it to you1
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