Kind of a shameless plug. This Monday the Global Health Committee will be staging a "balloon protest" on Kerkoff lawn. So Monday is the day before World AIDs Day and we are doing this to bring awareness to the multitude of other diseases and problems in the world in addition to AIDs. Visual art and visual stunts have an affect on people that cannot be equated to endless flyering of facts. Its no wonder that the most successful advocacy campaigns are based off of using the performing arts in order to promote awareness and action. Case and point, Bono and the ONE campaign, Invisible Children, etc. Art has also become such an integral part of public health and hard reduction campaigns, as art can be a universal language that allows dissemination of knowledge and reduction of stigma. On World AIDs Day, cities around the world will host parades, performances, live music, dances, all to not only to garner awareness about the virus but to try to shake of the stigma that surrounds HIV. So if you this interests you, grab a balloon Monday and come out for the World AIDS Day on campus the next day!
In the upcoming week i will be going to northern California to play two big soccer games agenst Cal and Standford. I hope i fix my sprained ankle by then.