Posted by Carmen Tam on October 22, 2009 at 12:52pm
I think this question could very possibly tie into the question "why do you do what you do?" Sometimes the life defining moment is the reason some people do what they do. But, as we know, that's not always the case.
My life defining moment was when I was elected to be a class officer. It was a shocker for me because I was just that "nice," nerdy girl. I've been that nice girl for as long as I could remember. I used to wonder if being kind was even worth it because I would let people walk all over me, and people just took advantage of my kindness. I also had, the biggest guilty conscious (and still do), so it's harder for me to stand up for what I believe in...because I afraid of offending others. But being an officer had made me realize that being kind does make a difference, even though it is not obvious at a certain time. It also allowed me to learn to say no. It allowed me to be who I am today--a person who can say no when necessary.
Okay. So, maybe that wasn't a LIFE defining moment, but it's a defining moment.
What are your guys' defining moments?
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When I was a child, like many others, I always thought I was indestructible, that if I tried hard enough I can overcome anything. But I came to realize that it's not true. My defining moment was five years ago when I visited China. My brother got a high fever and we tried to treat him with medication. We gave him so many different medicines that there were medical complications due to overdose. My mom cried like crazy and I have never seen her cry before. I cried hard too. I have never been so scared in my life. It made me realize that even if I try my best to overcome all obstacles, death is one obstacle that I can't overcome. Facing that reality is a defining movement in my growing and maturing process.
MIne came about 2 years ago. During that time, my grandfather was in a senior care center after fighting cancer. After not moving his legs for so long, he needed rehabilitation to be able to walk again. My family and I would go visit him every weekend. I would have to support him as he attempted to stand up. It took a lot of effort and time, but I found myself more excited every step he was able to take. The satisfaction I gained from helping out my grandfather when he needed me helped me decide what I wanted to do in the future and why I wanted to do it. After that period in my life, I finally decided that I wanted to be a doctor so I could help others out and feel that satisfaction over and over again.
Haha...and now I am at UCLA struggling through my chem classes and whatnot to achieve my goals.
Haha...and now I am at UCLA struggling through my chem classes and whatnot to achieve my goals.