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  • Inside-out Fusion

    … Human beings are what their bodies appear, perceive what their minds recognize, and experience what their souls are ready to endeavour …

    “…My feelings drive me to new masterpieces, while my mind is constantly showing me how to replicate the past in the present…”

    6 years travelling trying to learn, to feel, to perceive that answer...
    Alessia and Giampaolo paint together to communicate feelings and emotions how felt by any man or woman, but seen together in front of your eyes. Any techniques, form and colour on any media we utilise is chosen via the brain hemispheres integration.
    The work symbolises the Human Being Evolution. 3 steps, 3 ways, 3 paintings.
    “He, the Ugly” – basic soul connections – feel afraid to live, everything is a battle and there is always an enemy to make guilty – agnostic or separated-God point of view – 2 Colors Tao, different from traditional ones as the New Mankind Era is different from the Ancients
    “She, the Beauty”- extended soul connections – feel the Universe movements and react accordingly: all is a lesson to make you see yourselves – Free thinker that feels God everywhere and in himself – Still 2 colors Tao but more harmony because of the discovery of your female part, or in other words, able to perceive the feelings and emotions of any form of live
    “Evolution” – advanced soul connections – knowledge of the totality of human mission and understanding of the energy related folders that co-exist in the reality – Enlighten person, able to love life and be happy just to be here, now, connected with the Universe in all its aspects – 3 colors Tao-style design, inspired to a Crop Circle. Tao reality is dual: good and bad, light and dark. Energy and Matter nowadays cannot describe reality accurately. Your intentions, your programs, your feelings can unbalance the Quanto-Meccanic equation describing our reality. So another color was needed to describe the Evolution of mankind, able just for starter to accept the skin diversities as a fortifying factor for all human kind and its environment.

    Deeper Symbolism
    “Inside-out Fusion” resulted out of a series of considerations about the Tao symbolism and its connection of today everybody life. Tao traditional colours were changed as well today rules seems so different from the Ancient ones.
    The Spiral, an ancient and almost international symbol of development and spiritual growth is geometrically dividing an Eye, the mirror of the soul and the Skin, the most extended sense organ of the body, that allow us to present ourselves and be in contact with the “out there”

    Work symbolism is about life: no matter who you are and which are the colours of your eyes and skin, you have all the human capability as because all the beings are all the light and all the dark fused together. Only if you could see it!

    To access your ancestral capability you need to evolve through love, to experience things out of you, so becoming conscious of the totality of the Universe inside each littlest of its particles.

    As you born to life you are inside a dot, a Tao or the dot in the Tao, surrounded by “The Others”, “The Universe”. In the dot, you can just be alive.
    To grow you need to experience the outside... See, feel, study and learn from it. All from your dot! There is nothing more powerful that discover the brown/blue dot inside you.
    Now have a look to “He, the Ugly”: its geometry, colours and any work details are thought to keep the viewer eyes in the Tao, free to choose “if and when” will follow the spiral pattern.
    Are you looking the Tao? Have you moved across the painting? How do you feel now… back again in the Tao?
    Inside-out Fusion Project ref:
    A&G Art Ref:
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