I do what I do to not be lonely. I am always with someone whenever I go places because I never want to be alone. I hate being alone or doing things by myself. I feel scared to think that one day I will have to be all on my own and live alone. I will have no one there but myself. I hate the feeling of being alone because I worry too much. I worry about my family and friends when I am not with them. I worry about what is or could be happening to them. I worry about not having them anymore. I wonder if they worry about me. I worry about what would happen to them if something were to happen to me. So to keep from all this worry and stress I just never do anything alone. I need my family and friends in my life everyday to keep me happy and to help me got through anything and everything. I need them to keep me company so I can have someone to talk to and express all of my emotions and feelings to. Without them I wouldn’t be happy and I would feel so lonely and depressed. I am so thankful to have a family and friends like mine, without them I would never be able to make it through anything.
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