A Fear of Failure

I have always feared failure, the thought that I could be beaten by a test or an obstacle has always motivated me. For me I motivated more by the idea of avoiding failure, then the notion of enjoying success. From the day I was born, my parents have always instilled a hardworking and determined nature. I was conditioned from the day I was born to always believe that I was the best. The idea of failure was impossible, I have always been motivated to push through the struggle. I worked as hard as I could all throughout high school to ensure a spot at my dream school UCLA. All throughout high school I was overly concerned about making to UCLA as I feared for what would happen if I did not make it here. Each day I stay motivated to work hard, as I am scared to see my future if I do not graduate with an Electrical Engineering degree and a 3.7 grade point average. To me, I wonder if I do not achieve my goal, will I ever be able to find a job and make a decent salary. 
    However, I feel as though my fear of failing helps to motivate and inspire me. The fear of struggle, and loss makes me want to work harder and harder to ensure that  I never meet an ugly demise. Working harder and more diligently will only lead me closer to the success I so badly crave. Unfortunately I will never be able to fully avoid failure, as I like everyone else have my imperfections, and I will fall short of the bar that I set high. A fear of failure truly motivates me to be the best that I can really be. Through the struggle and hardship I will continue to strive to achieve more and more and put my best foot forward. I will continue to tell myself that I cannot be stopped and will always be able to achieve the things I want to. For me I will always do what I do because I am scared of what will happen to me if I fail.
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