Arts & Arc 10 Writing Assignment "wdydwwyd"

A world of debt is simply a hell of luxurious financial insecurity. I tend to think this way when it comes to dealing with money and school at the same time. It's simply a matter of personal experience and it really comes down on you when you are not careful enough.The problem, of course, comes when a single person reasons with himself to want to go to college and earn some sort of degree. It does not matter what degree but college is easily accompanied by his best friend, debt. I, as a student, am eventually going to come into this predicament where I must manage my finances otherwise I'll fall into a hellhole of unrecoverable debt.A little story, my father had succumbed to the debt at some point in my life. While what I say is merely based on the accounts of my older sister, I believe it to be fully accurate. Continuing, he had to file bankruptcy and this ultimately had crushed a beneficial, foreseeable future. Instead, he was forced to work with measly wages and could not apply for credit and other various financial benefits. That being said, I can see myself in college meeting the same demise if I do not watch my financial expenditures.Why am I going to college, I wonder? Well, what was explicated earlier to said question is why I am taking it upon myself to attend college. While my major is not, in reality, not directly related to debt, I hope I can be successful enough to help others as well as my family to avoid the hellhole of debt. It is a world that anyone should not be forced to enter just because they are low on lifetime funds for education expenses. This is why I do and this is who I am.
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