In pursuing this, I find joy, a kind of happiness that I cannot find anywhere else. Essentially, I do what I do because it gives me joy.
In all that I do, I think about what Jesus has done for me. The beliefs that I hold lead me into knowing that I am undeserving of any blessings; therefore, whatever I do deserve, I take with great joy, or at least I do my best to. Oh man, this is not as easy as I thought it would be to explain… so I am going to quote a portion of a popular Christian praise song. I relate exactly to the lyrics, “When I think about the Lord, how he saved me, how he raised me, …how he healed me, how he picked me up and turned me around, … how he placed my feet on solid ground, it makes me want to shout Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus, Lord you are worthy of all the glory, and all the honor, and all the praise.” My desire to love Him sprouts from the infinite thanks I owe him, and he calls me to spread the love that he has shown me. I know that what I can do for someone else is nothing compared to what he has done for me, and what wrong I have done to him is nothing compared to what wrong others have done to me. In knowing all of this, I find joy in what I do.