because every breath is a second chance.

People make mistakes and I’m the first one to admit that. However, for a most of my life, admitting it was the last thing that I wanted to do. You’re supposed to try your best to hide all your mistakes. No one wants to see your flaws. Otherwise, you’d just be abandoning that precious reputation and dignity.


I do what I do because I like to think that I’ve learned – and am learning – how to admit that I make mistakes. I like to think that I’ve learned that the sum of my mistakes is a quantity unable to be counted, that the depth of my flaws is a place unable to be reached, that the notion of me being able to pretend that I am anything but imperfect is just a foolish burden. People make mistakes; it’s difficult but I’ll admit that.


I like to think that I’ve come to terms with the fact that I am a perpetual mistake maker because it is a truth that has set me free to face each day with gratitude and purpose.


I do what I do because there is good news for me. Despite my mistakes, I can experience the gift of life. The family that I was born into, the government that I happen to live under, the ability to utilize a fully functional body are not given to me based on anything. Why I am able to enjoy the undeserved blessings of life even in the face of my shortcomings is a mystery. But what is certain is that it is the expression of forgiveness and love that cannot be found in a world of mistake makers.


Although my actions, my thoughts, my circumstances, and ultimately this world will continue being imperfect, there’s a promise for me that says they’ll soon fit together like some jigsaw puzzle, that when completed, depicts the good plans and purposes of this divine author that I call God.


I do what I do because for some reason, mistake makers get to enjoy the gift of life too. Hallelujah, every breath is a second chance. 

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