Because every dish is unique

Although I did not begin cooking seriously until high school, I quickly grew to love it. Cooking is something that never gets mundane or repetitive because every dish is a unique handcrafted creation that can never be exactly replicated.  However, this is not to say that you cannot make a dish as equally delectable as the last.  For me, cooking is not merely the act of putting palatable food on a plate.  Rather, it is about creating a masterpiece by celebrating the ingredients and allowing them to have the ability to attract all the senses at once.  I want to let the ingredients shine and be the medium that aids in this process, not working the ingredients so much that you do not know if a dish has vegetables or is just a concoction of processed, tasteless foods.


While of course the most important thing about food is that it tastes good and is full of flavor, the mouthwatering aromas that draw you into the kitchen and the appeal to the sight by the arrangement and vivid colors of the food are equally important. The merging of all these individual elements is what results in a finished meal that has you waiting ravenously at the table.  It is also what leaves you wanting more after you have finished and waiting impatiently for the next meal.


Taking basic ingredients and creating with them a masterpiece is the best way of exemplifying why I do what I do.  I take the time, effort and care in every step and every aspect of cooking to ensure that the resulting dish is not only delicious, but a reflection of myself – a person who is as meticulous in life as she is in cooking. Like cooking, life is about creating and finding moments in life that can never be recreated. As with the carefully crafted dishes I make, from mango-peach salsa to apple and fennel encrusted pork, these moments leave me longing for more and push me to find them, not only for their uniqueness, but for the sense of accomplishment they leave with me.



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