As a kid you have dreams, but no one ever has a heart cold enough to ruin your life by crushing your dreams at that point in your life; sometimes I wish they had. It's so disappointing to come here with a goal that evaporates out of your life and rains on someone elses as if it were the water they had been thirsting for. Right now i'm thirsty to know what I should do with my life because while I wait and explore blindly, I feel like I'm just floating around like a red balloon tied to an anchor, helpless, waiting for something to remove the knots that are keeping me there. I know that when that day comes, the day that I find what I love, I will be that balloon that everyone looks up to the sky for. I know that whatever I do I will love and that red color in the balloon, the love, will color someone's life. I am commited to spread the love in my life and the love of Christ that I have been blessed with by praising Him with what I do, and until the day that I find what I love, I'll be waiting to be set free. Meahwhile I sit here writing this blog post I never saw myself doing, wondering who else feels the same way, because I know I'm not the only one. Be noticeable, let people know who you are, and you'll find something and somebody to love (no, not the Justin Beiber song) and when you find that true happiness you'll know it is because you're doing what you were meant to do your whole life and that's exactly where you're meant to be. So see you soon, red balloon.