I was struck by an overwhelming sense of helplessness as my sister’s eyes rolled back when she lost consciousness, and I looked on not knowing how to help. I was still in grade school when I played on the swings with my sister in the backyard. After a while, the game changed and she decided to stand on the swing, so I gave her a push. The swing carried her unsteadily forward, and on the backswing, she lost her balance and fell off the moving swing. I watched in horror as her head collided painfully with the ground and she went unconscious. My mother, who had been watching from the balcony, screamed and rushed to call the paramedics. My father hurried out to take care of my sister. I felt powerless and confused as I was left to watch the frantic activity around me.


Before long, a fire truck arrived and the paramedics took over the situation. She soon regained consciousness. They performed various tests to determine the extent of the damage, as I looked on with timid fascination. These men knew how to properly help my sister, and proceeded with practiced efficiency and authentic concern.


In my life, I want to be equipped to provide aid when opportunities arise and meet the physical needs of strangers. This memory of the capable response and apparent empathy shown by the paramedics has remained in my mind as a model of what I can become. This desire to help has manifested itself into my dream to become a doctor. I do not want to be helpless when crises arise. I would like the ability to heal when no one else can and to spread love through my actions. But before I can achieve my dream, I must first face school, studying, and tests. Becoming a doctor is a distant prize, but it is this goal that drives me on and motivates me to persevere through the grueling hours spent pouring over textbooks.


Why do I do what I do? Because I want to help people tangibly, spreading love through my work.

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