Because It Brings Happiness

When Love and Determination work together, expect a masterpiece. Ever since I was little I knew I wanted to play soccer. I was surrounded by people who loved and played the sport. I guess many people can say they played soccer at one point when they were young, but the question is why? There are those who play it just for a past time, and there’s a small group of us that play it because it’s in our blood. Growing up I didn’t come from a family with wealth, I came from a family that worked hard for what they wanted. My dad would always tell me that there is no substitute for hard work and that if you wanted to go somewhere in life you would have to work for it because there are no shortcuts to any place worth going. I was lucky enough to have a best friend, a coach and a role model all in one, my brother. He is four years older than me and watching his love and determination for the game pay off, motivated me even more. He was my mentor growing up and it’s the best feeling knowing that anything you do, if you turn around your family is right there behind you. A lot of the things I do are for my family, to make them proud, to show them that they have worked hard for me so it’s my turn to work hard for them. The success that soccer has brought to me has put a huge smile on their faces, and it brings happiness to me and them because it’s what I love doing.  My mom, dad, sister and brother have always supported me in all my decisions and have pushed me to be a stronger person. Dreams aren’t easy to accomplish and there’s a point in everyone’s life where you have to make a decision, leave behind your dream or have the strength to walk past all discouraging faces and know that you have what it takes. There is no greater feeling than when your family tells you that they are proud of you. My love and determination for soccer has brought me to where I am today and there is no better motivation than knowing that if I keep working hard it’ll bring happiness to all of us. 

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