Posted by Silvia Ahn on October 15, 2009 at 6:00pm
Music on.Body moves.Sweat drops.Finally, a release to freedom!I am…a dancer.No, I did not perform in any grand theater or even a small one at that, but I do consider myself a dancer.I began dancing jazz and hip hop routines since the age of fifteen, but was interfered by school. However, thanks to the load of schoolwork, this interference led me to recognize the gradual change of my true intentions of dancing – why I do what I do.Why did I love dancing so much during my early stage in high school? Because I gained more attention and a better social life. I strived to be the best among my dance classmates, and a lot had to do with boasting my skills to others.But a sudden forced cessation of dancing had me infuriated. I was upset. I was angry. Dancing was what I loved to do! The fact that I had to quit dance lessons was irritating. But dancing didn’t go anywhere. It remained as an outlet for me to turn to when I was stressed from school or life, and in the privacy of my own home.So, now why do I love to dance? I don’t dance for others; I dance for myself – because I feel alive. It takes my mind off of my fears, stress, and anger; in other words, I express myself through dancing until my body can’t take it anymore, until the negativity seeps out of my skin. Then after a short dance routine, I feel motivated and anew. My passion for dancing, whether it’s a performance or at home or with my friends, simply makes me feel like me again.