Because the world is desperate for me to...

WDYDWYD?.....Because the world is desperate for me to…


I do what I do because I feel that the world is desperate for me to do it. Unfortunately, I’m under the impression and believe that the world, and society more specifically, is on the verge of self-destruction. Throughout the course of my life and especially over the past 6-7 years, I’ve been learning that I have been blessed with the ability to influence people and truly make a difference in their lives through my use of words. As a result, I’ve begun a small movement of using my words only for good, and letting people know how great they are, to me if by no other measure. I began by writing letters around the Holiday Season to those I loved: parents, siblings, and grandparents. Since then I have reached out to close friends, teammates, and coworkers that have in some way impacted my life in a positive way, regardless of how insignificant it appears to be at face value. What I have found is the realization, or enlightenment, which each individual discovers in the process is then paid forward. My hope is that some day it will come back around. If I can truly impact one person to achieve their personal greatness, it can start a snowball effect that may help society save itself. I think the world needs more people, leaders, to step out of the shadows cast by personal poisons. In the words of Edmund Burke, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

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