My parents forced me to go to Tae Kwon Do practice five times a week until I got my black belt. When I was a child, I never had a free moment to myself. Every monday was Piano practice, every tuesday through thursday was Tae Kwan Do practice, every weekend was full of scheduled play dates and every night was full of extra reading that my parents asked my teachers to give me so that I would be more stimulated. My life was planned for me from a very young age, and I will be forever grateful for my parents because they cared so much about my future. But they trapped me into an over-achieving prison. I had, and still have to, prove myself to be the best in any situation I am put in. There is no other way to live my life. When I was a child I was handed trophies for any accomplishment I achieved. For every level of belt that I achieved. For every piano piece that I mastered. I was so groomed into thinking I was the best, I never thought for a second that I wasn't the best in anything I ever tried to do. After a while I no longer tried my hardest when I was training or practicing. I felt like everything came easily to me, if it was that easy for me when I was a kid. I started letting myself go, and I never believed that I would drop down from my pedestal and learn that I was just like everyone else. Now, I find myself mediocre in everything I do, no longer do I feel satisfaction or fun from doing anything, because I still want to be the best, but I never am. I am easily inspired by what I see, and by what others achieved, and I feel like I can achieve anything, but I want to be someone who inspires others. I do what I do now to break out of the prison I created for myself, and not become my schedule and my trophies, but to invest in my soul and in what I truly believe I am meant to be. A champion of my heart.
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