We’re drowning in a cocktail of pharmaceuticals. Billions of people chug pills like its some daily necessity without the thought of possible side effect to their own bodies or the environment. Pills passes through the body for every little pain and discomfort we feel. Yet I find it disturbing that we turn to drugs instead of maintaining our bodies properly.
I used to pop cold medicines every time the recognizable symptoms appear. They did their job for 14 years. I crushed those dirty germs before they took hold on my body. All was well until my senior year of high school. I caught what I believe was the common cold; took some pills and thought my troubles were over. The symptoms appeared to be alleviated until things took a turn for the worst. I had trouble breathing and collapsed in class. After spending a few days in the hospital I learned that excessive drug taking isn’t the best option. Bacterial infections and viruses can build immunity to common drugs if they are used a lot. It’s Darwin’s law on a microscopic scale, the survival of the fittest bacteria or virus. The ones that can mutate and survive are ones that are immune to those over the counter medicine. It was one of these mutant germs that caused me to reevaluate how I take care of my body and the excessive drug use we’re taught in our culture.
Now, for the common cold, I drink a lot of fluids and get plenty of sleep. From personal experience it takes about a week before symptoms are alleviated. A week may be harsh on those who don’t have the leisure to rest, however it beats both the hospital time and the bill. Being a biochemistry student and entering the field of pharmacy, I realize that motives to profit can’t overshadow the truth. Pharmaceutical companies want people to keep taking drugs even for the minor pains. However, that doesn’t mean I have to conform to their practices. I try my best to inform others from taking medicine for common sickness and from depriving their bodies of much needed rest.
Why do I do what I do? To break the evil habit that drowns America in a cocktail pharmaceuticals.