busy busy busy

It seems that the world today is so wrapped up in the business of everyday life, that it is hard to find some time to just sit and do nothing.  Wasn't everything easier when we were little kids? Where the biggest concern of ours was what color to use when drawing stick figures and little doggies? Sometimes I just want to go back to those times where everything was so simple and nothing else besides coloring and hide-and-seek seemed to matter.  Nowadays being in college, my childhood nearing its end, i try and find ways to rever to that state of simple nature.  Finding peace and quiet here on campus is sometimes hard, but taking a walk through campus and sitting on the grass near Jans steps on a sunny day usually can do the trick.  Taking my time to walk to class, taking n the scenery and memorizing the things i see along the way help me to relax and become almost zen-like.

Sometimes we just need to slow everything down, forget about the stresses of life and stop to smell the flowers, as I like to say.  Doing this will certainly help to take the stress off and to bring you back to a clear state of mind.

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