Cereal-My Daily Fix

You know how for some people, the very first thing they crave when they wake up is coffee? Well, mine is cereal.  I absolutely love cereal – it’s amazing how those sugary little flakes of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and pure awesomeness can transform something as disgusting as milk into something delicious.  In fact, whenever I open the cupboard and find it void of my variety packs of Special K, I literally feel my heart drop.


Now this may sound sad or pathetic, but unfortunately it is the truth.  With classes, projects, homework, exams, extracurricular activities and duties, work, and drama amongst friends and family, sometimes the day can seem overwhelming.  To make matters worse, there are always the added pressure and expectations of those who trust and believe in you and the fear of letting them down and disappointing them.  In the morning, simply running through your potentially difficult and tiring daily schedule can make it quite difficult for you to find the necessary motivation to leave your warm, safe, and comfortable bed.  This is especially true for someone who dearly treasures her sleep.  That is where cereal comes in to play. 


Cereal serves as not only that extra boost and bait for me to get my lazy behind out of bed, but also, and more importantly, a prize for getting through the previous day.  People have this constant need of acknowledgement and approval and will work hard to obtain them.  Whenever someone finishes an assignment or project, they need that praise and recognition, that “good job”; it is what inspires and encourages them to continue on.  I am no different.  By setting daily objectives, a reward of cereal the next morning, it provokes me to wake up in the morning, go to class, finish my homework and assignments, complete my daily duties, and do all of them well.  It inspires me to do what I usually do.  Cereal is my personal self-pat-on-the-back.  Ultimately, one can say, as silly and impractical as it may sound, that I do what I do so I can reward myself with cereal the next morning. 

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