A wise man once said, “If you put your mind to it, you can do anything you want”. This is the number one rule to how I live my life. I believe that I can accomplish anything I desire, as long as I commit fully to it and try my hardest. I do what I do because I know I can do it. Plain and simple. Never has there been anything in life so far, that I haven’t been able to achieve when I fully commit myself to doing it.
While I might say I want to earn a 4.0 while studying at UCLA, I know I haven’t committed fully towards this goal (by not studying everyday and drinking too often) and thus, I don’t count this as something I haven’t been able to do. In addition, I don’t set ridiculous goals for myself either, like learn to fly or have a vertical jump of five feet. But those things that I have committed 100% of my energy to do, such as to raise my GPA .5 since last year, form a better relationship with my family, and get back in shape, have all been achieved.
I take the most inspiration to why I do what I do from my father, who battled cancer over a three-year period. My father not only battled cancer twice, but also underwent a stem-cell transplant. His will to survive and win his battle with cancer taught me that as long as you put 100% of your dedication to something, anything is possible to achieve.
I believe my confidence in myself is one of my best personality traits. Not only does this help me in my own transgressions, but also it helps me in my relationships with others. I hold my head high, even in the roughest of times, knowing that in the long run I will succeed in anything that I do.
Wdidwid? Because I have the utmost confidence in my own abilities, knowing that if i fully dedicate myself, anything is possible.