My biggest fear has always been being a failure. Not even having a near death experience being in a car accident, and injuring two of my organs changed that fear. I am thankful that god has given me a second opportunity to live a normal life and have more time to spend with my friends and family that mean the world to me. My experience only made me more ambitious and determined to make the people I most love proud of me because doing so is the best feeling of self-fulfillment.
I will never in the world want to disappoint my parents and make them to think they did something wrong. I don’t want their struggles and efforts to go to a waste. Although they were never able to help my brothers, sisters, and I with our school work because they never went to school or provided us with the best of material possessions, they tried their absolute best. Seeing them struggle working many jobs has taught me the most important lesson in my life of determination and perseverance.
Determination has taught me to never settle for just “good enough.” Although I am obviously not perfect I can always try my best and push myself further every time. After becoming middle school and high school valedictorian I see my determination has worked so far.
Now, I continue my journey at UCLA. I want to pursue my passion for education and take it to another level. Although I don’t know what kind of profession I am going to pursue, I hope to find my true calling. All I want to do is find something that enjoy, and have that security of having a dependable job that my parents never did. Although I do what I do to make others proud especially my parents, I do it for myself as well because I enjoy feeling accomplished. I find the thrill and adventure in the continuing journey trying to reach my goals. I look forward to conquering new challenges, learning from my experiences and showing others what I have to offer.