Finding Balance

This time last year I could have answered this question without giving it a moment’s thought. I did what I did simply to get into college. I worked tirelessly to get good grades, I volunteered too many days of the week, and I was a member of more clubs than I could count; all in hopes of getting into the best college possible. Well, here I am in college and find myself unable to answer this question so quickly. Now I have to look at the bigger picture to fully understand why I do what I do. Coming to college has given me a sense of perspective and I now realize that life is too short to take anything too seriously. I’ve spent practically the last 18 years of my life trying to get into college, and now that I am here I want to maximize every experience I have. After much thought, I have come to the realization that I do what I do to keep my life balanced. My life mantra has become work hard, play hard. Everything in life is about balance. I try my best to balance my life between academics, social activities, and other leisurely outings. I firmly believe that happiness cannot be achieved without such a balance, otherwise all perspective is lost. If I didn’t spend so much time in school, I would never be able to fully appreciate the freedom and beauty that comes from a long hike or bike ride. If I spent all my time doing things I enjoyed, I would quickly lose interest in these activities because they would not be as rewarding. I see students who spend 99% of their time doing their schoolwork, leaving no time to create some semblance of a social life and it somewhat upsets me. Life is too short to spend too much time doing only one thing. Learning how to balance my life has been one of the most gratifying and rewarding things I have done and has allowed me to live my life to the fullest. 

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