For the "Good Days"

For the "Good Days"


                It seems, as we grow older every day, we can't seem to avoid reminiscing about the "Good Days" we had when we were younger.

                When I was in elementary school, all I could ever think about was the days in pre-school when I had nap-time and movie time. In middle school, occasionally around fourth period I would think about the days in elementary school  when our teacher  would cut class short and let us play kickball right before school ended. In high school, I would dream about the days in middle school when the homework load was meager and I didn't have to worry about AP's or SAT's. NOW, that I'm in college, I miss the days in high school, senior year, when my group of friends and I would check ourselves out  of school ( because we were eighteen ! ) early and go watch movies and eat. As humans, despite no matter how much we try, we tend to appreciate things a lot more when we do not have it anymore.

                Last quarter, one night, I was studying for my chemistry quiz ( an all-nighter ), when I told my roommate, Chris, "Ah, I wish I was a senior in high school again. I would be hanging out with my friends right now, not studying!". Chris, studying for his math midterm, replied, "I miss high-school too! I would sleep so much more than I do now!". We unanimously agreed that those "days" were definitely the "good days". However, as I was taking a quick break, I noticed that I  always labeled the good times in the past as the, "good days".  Then, it hit me. I failed to realize that, as an aspiring doctor and in respect to the times to come, the workload would only increase in the future and that the days I was spending now studying for my chemistry quizzes ARE the "good days".  From that day on I stopped complaining ( as much ) about all the "all-nighters" I had to pull, the job interviews I had to go to, the seemingly-pointless seminars I had to attend, and all the other trials I had to face. I sucked it up and pushed on because, deep down inside, I knew and I know, later in the future, I will look back to these days I'm in now, and think "Those were definitely the good days".  


WDYDWYD: Because I thoroughly believe my life is and will be filled with "Good Days".

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