It been approximately seven months since I've graduated from high school, but I feel like its been about three years. Even though my best friends from high school and I talk, i feel like they are all distant memories and dreams. I have no physical proof that we were friends and it makes me realize how important phone calls and visits are in order for me to feel like im actually talking with them. I dont know what it is about college, but i feel like i have two completely lives.. My college friends havent and will rarely mix with my home friends and visa versa. When i go home, im not allowed to go out until 2 in the morning and i have to revert to the old rules that my parents have set. College has brought out so many different emotions in me that i hadnt even thought of in high school. It wasnt that long ago, but i already feel so much more changed. High school established a great solid base for starting life, but college puts all the feelings and emotions you felt to the test. Everything is being strained to the next level. For example, living with a roommate or not having your parents to turn to when things are exhausting. There is no place to be alone, to think, to read or to live. All in all college teaches you to find places that make you feel comfortable or people who support you for who you are. You cant hide in college because people are around you all the time. High school was a great base, but life after has so much more to offer that it is easy to forget where i've been for the last four years...
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