Every night I take my dogs for a walk in my neighborhood. It's my chance to be alone, reflect, plan—and most importantly—catch my breath. I also use it to look at what I am, what I'm doing and dream of where I'm going. As I walk my mind and heart fill with hope and inspiration and by the time I'm at my door step, I've rejuvenated and am ready to keep going. When I get home, I have only a short time to eat before I dig into my studies, and on some nights the intensity is amplified when I attend class. I'll close my eyes and before I know it, it's time to get up and do it all over again. It's not easy, but the cold truth is that the opposite is even harder. I am a person who loves to live and most importantly I live to love everyone around me. This is who I am. I most dearly behold 3 values close to my heart: family, love and honesty. Without my family I don’t exist. My family is the reason why I am who I am today and without them beside me tomorrow wouldn’t exist. Love is something that I cherish deeply. A life without love is a life filled with emptiness and sorrow. Honesty is vital, at least it is for me. I believe honesty is the true foundation in any relationship people form. Another reason why I do what I do is to try to make my parents proud. My parents have migrated to this country for all the wonderful opportunities that are available in the United States and aren’t available elsewhere. I want to make sure I take full advantage of all the magnificent opportunities that are available to me and to show my parents that they did migrate here for all the right reasons. I love to live everyday knowing that I have friends and family who love me unconditionally. I do what I do because there is no other way. I live to love and I love to live. I do what I do because life wouldn’t exist without me.