I love my friends

Who am I? Well that’s a tricky question to answer since I’m still figuring it out myself. But in my 19 years of life I have developed a pretty good idea of who I would like to be, and this image of my ideal self is what drives everything I do. Granted, I also have other motivations that usually aren’t as noble, such as laziness and selfishness, and from time to time I succumb to the enticing power of these lesser motivations. But on the whole I try to envision what I would do if I were a perfect me and follow this model. I mainly focus on my interaction with others and try to always treat people well, even at my own expense. Loyalty is very important to me, so I make sure to never betray anyone’s trust. This is especially true when it comes to my friends because they mean the world to me. I care very deeply about my friends, and I believe that I really can rely on them to be there for me no matter what. In return, I want to be the type of person that my friends can always confide in. I want my friends to understand how much they mean to me, so I do everything I can to show them that I care. I never miss an opportunity to spend quality time with my friends because I don’t want to miss out on anything. Unfortunately, I take this almost to a fault since I usually have to make up for the time spent with friends by losing sleep in order to fulfill all of my other responsibilities. However, the lack of sleep is definitely worth it to me because I never want to regret losing a chance to prove to my friends that I care. No matter what else happens in my life, I know that my friends will always be a part of it. They are the reason I do what I do.
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