Just Me Being Me

“Why do I do what I do?” That’s a very profound question. For me, however, the answer is simple: I do what I do because of who I am. So that begs the question, “Who am I?” Well, I am a motivated and responsible individual who has the highest of expectations. Everyone I love in my life (unknowingly I should add) puts the pressure on me to be the most successful person and that it is my duty to make the world a better place for future generations. Even as a little kid my parents proclaimed that I would be President of the United States one day…and the bar was set very high.So I still haven’t entirely answered the question “Why do I do what I do?” Well I do it because I want to be an accomplished, esteemed individual and I want to make positive contributions to society. I want to do this because it is who I am and because it is what gives me satisfaction. For every hour you study, I study two; for every book you skim, I closely read; for every assignment you procrastinate, I finish early. I don’t want to sound conceited because I do not have a superiority complex. These are just the things I do to make sure that I realize my goals of going to law school, passing the BAR exam, practicing criminal law for many years, running for public office, and eventually campaigning to be the President. As you can see, I can not afford to miss a beat or have any distractions in my life. This is why I do what I do…because it is who I am and because I derives happiness from being successful and making a contribution to the world.
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