I don’t understand why I’m so afraid of failure. Even as I read the words back to myself I get an uneasy sensation. This fear holds me back from so many things in my daily life. But what am I afraid of? You learn from every mistake you make. So the reality of it is that it shouldn’t matter. But why does it? Maybe because at the end of the day it’s the basis in which I judge myself. When I make a mistake it is not others that look down on me. I let my own mind wander and I think too much. However, the reality is that no one goes through life without experiencing these emotions. Its how you take in these experiences. My perception. I need to learn to let go over this fear and live in the present. Feel grateful. Allow myself to feel the wide range of emotions that come with taking a chance. I need to tell myself its okay when things aren’t perfect. It will all turn out the way it’s meant to be. It always does. Its impossible to expect others to appreciate all your qualities if don’t appreciate them yourself. Be yourself always. As simple as it sounds its true. Just live. You will figure it out and whatever it is it will be great. Positive attitude, positive thinking, and the willingness to venture into the unknown will take you farther than you can imagine. So allow yourself to explore and the answers will come. Stop worrying about the minor things in life there’s so much more out there.