What do I do? STUDY STUDY EAT STUDY STUDY EAT STUDY STUDY STUDY EAT STUDY STUDY EAT SLEEP STUDY. Well I guess I’ll go for the obvious- I’m a student. Just took a midterm. My life is consumed by my studies. If I don’t study its like I feel so overwhelmed by the stuff I haven’t learned. It’s like when you don’t study you feel this heavy load but when you do study its like a load is off your back but you gain something. I study because I want to learn. I study because I did terrible my first year. I didn’t even think I needed to study-just like high school. I didn’t feel like I had to do anything just let the days pass by because it’s all going to come easy. But college is different. It zoomed past me and knocked me down. Everyone here is smart. They were amazing at their high schools and I have to compete against them. I study because I want to be as good as them. I just want to do well, to make my mommy and daddy proud, my grandpa, my grandma. I guess they are that weight I feel when I don’t try. When I don’t try its like I’m letting everyone down. So I do what I do in part for me and in part for them. My grandpa left my family with the fact the life is short and fleeting. And my mom tells me all the time life is what I make of it. Every day is only as good as I make it. I can’t change my freshman year. I messed up. I accept that. But I still have a chance. So I do what I do because I’m going to make my days as good as I can and life will be what I make of it. No matter how short it is.
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