As I woke at 6:30am, I watched the sky. I remembered how much I loved my purple sky and had not seen it for quite sometime. It was the 13th again, and there is always a sign telling me I will be ok.My Purple Sky–When I was in my relationship a few ag
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Putting aside your feelings for the sake of someone else’s is not always a good thing. You destroy theinner beauty, the very soul that lives within you and you can never take it back. I am such a victim, I can tell you my heart has never been the sam
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The definition of rejection: "to refuse to accept, consider, submit to, and take for some purpose"The definition of pain: "An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder"
Remember when we used to read the fairy tells about " Once upon a time..." and we all figured some prince would come rescue us. Well, as we all know as we grow up, this never happens. I think and believe that is one of the main reasons relationships
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