Matthew Norton

I’m confused, confused not as I don’t get the prompt but more in the sense of not know why I do the things I do. Sometimes I’m so sure about myself then other times I doubt myself. I don’t know why. It is just what I do, I think maybe even over think. I thought I had a good Idea for this paper 3 times. I start writing then I stop, read it through and start over. I should just be confident in myself all the time. Be confident in making good choices. That if I study I will do well, if I work hard in practice I will play good. If you feel good about yourself you will be happy.It’s easy to just talk about all the things I need to do. I go as far as every time I doubt myself or over think I write lists. Tons of lists. Lists for everything; what I need to do differently in soccer, what I need to change in my character, things to buy ect. Maybe these list aren’t a bad thing. Keeping myself organized is good but writing list to make myself confident and unconfused and not following through is bad. It’s easy for me to just write it down wake up the next day and not follow through. Maybe I don’t have good self-control but being as competitive as I am I should challenge myself to always complete my list. To beat the list and not let the list beat me. The good thing I feel is I know what I need to do. To have the confidence that if I work and make sacrifices I have no limits. Being self-disciplined to do what I know I need to do, will give me confidence. With that confidence and making the sacrifices I know I can be and do anything.I do what I do because I want to be happy. I am always thinking. Good or bad I am thinking. I am a thinker. I think to the extent of doubt and to confidence. Feeling confident in myself makes me happy.
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