My Guitar

Callous has developed on my left hand, forming hard plates of skin on the fingertips. This is due to the constant pressing of steel guitar strings as I produce music, a common form of expression. Yet the physical pain in my fingers is not a hindrance as music heals my spiritual and emotional pain. Music has always been a massive part in the culture of a certain era, as people of all generations look to convey their emotions through song. Music has always been an outlet for thoughts and emotions for all eras, from Bach to The Beatles to Kanye West, and it is also an outlet for me as I try to make sense of the whirlwind that is my life.As a self-taught guitarist, playing the guitar has always been an independent, personal, and intimate hobby of mine and I would often turn to my guitar in times of deep stress and anxiety. My guitar became my own personal escape from the troubles of my life whenever I felt bombarded by the overwhelming life of a high school student. The lyrical serenity helps me stay levelheaded during my times of struggle and, although it may sometimes be time-consuming, has a positive impact in improving my attitude and my outlook on life. Whenever I play the guitar I feel replenished and find myself better capable of coping with stress as I try to move on with my life as best as I can.I do not feel comfortable with playing the guitar in front of people, as it is something intimate to me in which I pour my soul into. This shows that playing the guitar for me is not a form of entertainment or show, but rather, it is a form of deep expression for my sentiments that I utilize for my own enlightenment.
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