For the thrill of the chase










Why do you do what you do?


      Although there are some things in life that I might never be able to obtain and some dreams that wont ever come true it is the pursuit of these things that keeps me going. I feel that life is all about setting your goals too high and knowing that the journey to get there. My entire volleyball career consisted of people telling me that I wasn’t going to start at my position. It has been a wild ride of proving people wrong and enjoying how I got there. It all started when I was a freshman in high school, I stood at 5 foot 4 inches and had braces that were conjoined by massive springs that made my cheeks puff out. The funny thing was that back then I would have never guessed that I would be where I am today or that that little kid with braces would help me become who I am. However I always knew in the back of my mind that I was going to be ok. I always knew that during the chase for my dreams and goals that I had at the time I was going to be fine.

     If I could give one message to the people that are reading this short essay its that like the cheetah we are all predators chasing our goals and dreams, and like most cheetahs we might never grasp our prey, but in the 60 mph all out sprint for the finish line we ignore all of the other bullshit thats flying by and know that at the end of the day there is one goal that’s make or break. For all the other cheetahs out there understand that we might not know what is going on outside of the chase and we might miss opportunities in the process, yet we are the fastest animals on the planet and should fucking enjoy that simple fact no one else can run as fast as we can towards out goals.  

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