Part 1 Essay

Who am I? I’m a very isolated individual to be honest. My lifestyle is very structured. Even unconsciously I follow a rigid schedule that my body does not alter from, whether I want to or not. I wake up at the same time, whether I have to or not. I eat the same breakfast every morning, and I handle day to day activities roughly the same week by week. Living this way reinforces my incredibly solitary personality. I find that I’m more comfortable this way, but I would love for that to change.What I do? As I said earlier, I follow a rigid schedule. I go to class at specific times; I study, eat, exercise, and have fun all in semi-timed intervals throughout the week. I would love to do things differently than I do, but leaving the comfort zone that I have slipped into with this routine is very difficult for me. I’m sure that feeling is derived from the one experience in my life when I deviated from my strictly structured life, where I was hurt more than I’d care to admit. The times of the day that are the happiest for me are the hours I spend reading.Why I do it? I live this way because it’s comfortable to do so. One of my main goals is to break this isolated existence that I’ve created for myself. My routine, in a way, justifies my reasoning in living the way I do. I always have an excuse to avoid social situations that I can give to myself more than anyone else. I read fantasy novels because slipping into that alternate reality that a book provides gets me involved in excitement and adventure that I shy away from in my own life. In essence, I live the way I do to hide.
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