Relax and Be Happy

Life is inevitable. Why not make it enjoyable? There is fun to be had at every corner in life, and I strive to do so every day. Of course life has its ups and downs, and one must appreciate the emotions that come with them, but many mishaps can actually be made light of when much of the human race would let them ruin their day. Life is too short to let little things taint our happiness.


I am a firm believer in optimism. I don’t take it to the point of sappy impractical measures, but I often find myself seeing a light at the end of the tunnel where many of my peers do not. During high school, college applications were built up as the be all and end all of stress-causers. The only thing students could talk about was, “I need to work on my UC application essay…How long is yours? How many times did you revise it? Who proofread it for you?” I was never caught up in this hype. I don’t know if it comes from an inner confidence or simply a calmer nature, but I never felt the need to overanalyze my essays to the point of reducing them to mere letters on a page. Of course grammar and sentence flow are essential, but what matters the most is what one says in the work. As long as one makes that clear in the essay, it does not matter how many teachers edited the drafts and how many hours of sweat and blood were poured into it. This was my outtake on the situation; chalk it up to luck or a healthy viewpoint, but I think I did pretty well getting into my first choice college.


I get joy out of making my friends laugh, being able to talk to everyone, and being able to call everybody by their name as I walk down the hall. Personal relationships are what make life meaningful. A person interacting with other people is a real thing. This interaction brings purpose and joy to those involved. Talk to people. You never know what you have in store.

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