Sacrificial Love

I am a freshman at high school and I have a job which it doesn’t make it any sense for freshman to be employed at a young age. My first year at high school was intriguing because I met other people who were very different in terms of music, fashion, personality, and characters. I was one of those kids where I had to learn everything that this world has to offer from music, history, language, math and physical education but had no motives whatsoever. However, my academic performance wasn’t’ great because I was not motivated to do anything. About seven years ago, my parents purchased a small liquor store to earn income and support our family. Ever since then, my parents have lost weight significantly due to over time and lack of leisure time. Every summer, my parents would sweat constantly because the air conditioner at our store was not installed due to my father’s stubbornness of spending money for a lousy moment of happiness. My passion for loving my parents didn’t show up till when my father was gun pointed by a robber in 2004. Knowing that my family had to sacrifice everything to earn income from being employed at a dangerous workplace, I was foolish enough to not knowing that how much they love me and our family. It breaks my heart to see that my family is willing to work at a dangerous place to support my education, future, and family. I have always wanted to ask myself “Am I working to please my parents, to support my parents or to love my parents unconditionally?” It was difficult to answer this question seven years ago but as a college student, I am now ready to answer this question. The answer is yes to both because my family is something that I cannot replace over my high school academic career. Of course it’s essential for me to do well at school and social life but other opportunities such as going to community college to save money while helping my parents work turned out really well.

 Why do I do what I do? Simple!  Working for my family brings an opportunity to show the true definition of hard working family 

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