Posted by Benjamin Park on October 16, 2009 at 7:18am
I am an engineer at UCLA, a Christian man of the upmost nerdiness. But what I am is rebelious. I don't want to be inside a bubble, I want the bubble to be surrounded by me. I don't like being a statistic, I like making my own. This is why I do what I do, and what I do, is play music. However, most asian engineers like myself play music. They are musical in many ways, the most common being piano, flute, violin, or anything of those sorts. However I stray from that norm as well. I definitely like those instruments, but many times I feel the need to drive the music in a more upbeat way. What I do, is play guitar, and not just any guitar, but electric guitar.The versatility of the electric guitar makes it so attractive and amazing. It's beautiful how it can be used to drive a song with its solid tones, or create a beautiful ballad using simple pentatonic scales. Or how it can be used in jazz to make a song more upbeat and provide a sense of coolness to indie songs with short and steady guitar riffs. The possibilities are endless, but the best part is, electric guitar really helps me express myself. If I'm feeling sad I can play slow emo songs, or if im feeling happy, I can play something a little more jazzy. The electric guitar to me is a mask of the true face underneath the visage that humans walk around with each day. It helps me express myself to the world, and to my own self.